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Dedicated Civil Litigation Lawyers for Business and Industry

On June 12, 2023 the Seattle office of FAVROS moved.
The new address is 3131 Elliott Avenue, Suite 300, Seattle, WA  98121


the firm

Fain Anderson VanDerhoef Rosendahl O’Halloran Spillane PLLC (FAVROS) is a law firm of experienced trial lawyers focused on civil and commercial litigation with particular emphasis in medical professional liability defense, appeals, medical licensing, hospital privileging/credentialing, healthcare risk management, product liability defense and business litigation.  We have offices in Seattle and Tacoma with attorneys licensed to practice across the western states, including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, and California.


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" [W]hat may be the most formidable health-care litigation team in the state. "

- Puget Sound Business Journal August 28, 2015.

representative casesFAVROS NEWS

OUR team

The FAVROS team of seasoned attorneys, paralegals and support staff is committed to giving our clients the dedicated service and work ethic they deserve.  We pride ourselves in providing trustworthy legal advice and strong representation.


Seattle Office:  206-749-0094

Tacoma Office:  253-328-7800